Get Involved
This is an open platform to discuss and debate issues affecting the people of PNG in areas of ICT, internet cost, reliability, speed, as well as the social and economic impacts of the technology
There are a number of ways to get involved at this time. We have people from alll walks of life who are members of iPNGC and they will be hearing your concerns and the issues you are facing. Below are three ways you can follow and participate in iPNGC. Once the structure is in place, internet community in PNG will be engaged in various programs and projects locally and abroad, to contribute to the development of internet in the country.
iPNGC has so far over 100 members via its google group. Since it was informal at its inception, the membership structure was open to allow anyone who uses internet to join and participate. Most ICT profesionals from PNG were invited to join. Composition of membership on the list ranges from media personnel, entrepreneurs, social media professionals, students, academics, researchers; to name a few; besides ICT professionals.
Once formal structure is in place, we will make available various avenues for internet users in PNG to get invloved in the community and participate in iPNGC forums. Currently, participation is via mailing list.
Google Group
Its FREE to join iPNGC mailing list if you are interested. For subscription, send email to: ipngc+subscribe@googlegroups.com and follow auotmated email prompts. You should receive your membership confirmation email when done successfully. If you cannot receive any email, check your Junk Folder
Facebook Page
iPNGC's unpublished Facebook page has over 80 likes. We hope to publish the page once we formalized the organization and put in the structures. You can get invlove by posting on the page or messaging and iPNGC administrators will respond by publishing your message or query for public discussion.
iPNGC Website
iPNGC website will continue to develope into interatctive portal where members can share and discuss issues.