Is it True that what is not on the
Doesn't Exist?
Welcome and thank you for visit. Internet PNG Clique (iPNGC) is a voice of internet users in Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is a not for profit ICT and Internet user society/organization to render policy dialogue and technical standards discussions on a common ground for people from all sectors to express and debate neutrally. Like any other developing countries, the impact of Information Technology (IT), particularly the internet is bewildering for the majority of the users in Papua New Guinea and the region.
The embrace of the technology and the surrounding hype reduced the ability of many to realize the impact internet has on their income, social wellbeing, cultural heritage, education and moral conduct; to name a few. Others see opportunities in the use of internet technology and they desire for not only affordable but reliable internet service in the country.
Hence, internet has diverse impacts on the users, providers and the stakeholders alike. iPNGC is an avenue for all to voice their concerns on issues affecting them. iPNGC also aims to educate, create awareness and motivate members of the community to be responsible users of the internet. It also channels the engagement of local users with global organizations responsible for internet policy, governance and technical developments; like ISOC, ICANN, APNIC, ITU, etc,...