About Us
Internet PNG Clique (iPNGC) had begun in 2011 as a national network of internet users in PNG with inclusion of some members from Pacific region.
It began with mainly discussion of internet governance issues in the country; and also create awareness on challenges and opportunities created by internet in PNG. Since then iPNGC, though informal; has assisted many young social entrepreneurs, aspiring leaders and professionals as well consumers thru useful information dissemination.
The purpose of iPNGC is to leverage the growth and development of ICT particularly internet in Papua New Guinea (PNG), through education and awareness on internet technology standards, ICT policy developments and related Internet Governance (IG) issues in the country.
The aim of iPNGC is to mould informed and responsible internet users, service providers and stakeholders.
The intention of iPNGC is to become a national multi-stakeholder forum for internet users, service providers and stakeholders to discuss debate and engage in issues and opportunities that shall emerge as a result of internet technology deployment in the country; and openly share views and ideas for common benefit for everyone.